Camp Celo Counselors

We are now accepting applications for 2025! Read the below for next steps:

Counselors are hired for our full season:

  • Summer 2025 Counselor Dates: June 9 - August 19, 2025.

Being a counselor at Camp Celo is a rewarding and fun experience for those who enjoy children and want to work with them in a relaxed and fun environment.

Most counselors are responsible for a tent group of five campers. Each counselor takes shared leadership of a certain program area. These areas are arts & crafts, wood shop, nature, skits, group games, and gardening.

You will also lead a variety of fun activities. These vary from year to year depending on the interests and skills of the counselors. Examples include inner tubing, jug band music, peace day, mud pit, garden obstacle course, mellow lounge, ultimate frisbee, adventure croquet and more!

All age groups hike and camp out! Junior Camp counselors lead a day hike and an overnight campout once per week. In Senior Camp, two counselors lead small groups of campers on 2-, 3-, and 4-day backpacking trips. Adventure Camp counselors lead an overnight, 5-day, and 7-day backpacking trip each session.

We need most counselors to be certified in Lifeguard Training. Many of our activities involve our nearby creeks, ponds, and rivers, and a lifeguard must be present any time campers are in the water. Lifeguard Training is available at Camp Celo June 3-5. On-site Lifeguard training costs will be deducted from counselor salary.

All Senior and Adventure Camp Counselors must be trained in Wilderness First Aid or Wilderness First Responder.

Counselors must be 18 years old with at least 1 year of college or equivalent gap-year experience.

To apply, please begin by filling out the
Camp Celo Counselor Interest Form (5 minutes).

Starting Counselor salary is $3,000. Counselors will receive the following bonuses for trainings and Celo experience:

Worked Previously as Camp Celo Counselor: +$500
Each Summer as Camp Celo Counselor, 3rd and Beyond: +$200/yr
Lifeguard Training: +$500
Wilderness First Aid: +$300 or Wilderness First Responder: +$500
Former Celo Helper: +$100
College Graduate: +$100
On-site Work Days pre/post contract: +$75/day

Example First-time Salary: $3,000 base + $100 Helper Experience + $300 WFA + $500 Lifeguard = $3,900

Example 3rd-time Salary: $3,000 base + $100 Helper Experience + $300 WFA + $500 Lifeguard + $500 Celo Counselor Experience + $200 2nd Celo Counselor Experience = $4,600


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