The sun is up, the rooster is crowing, and the strains of a flute are heard
on the crisp morning air. There is immediately a bustle of activity with
washing, dressing, bedmaking and tent cleanup. Tablesetters hurry to prepare for
breakfast. The hungriest lead the way to the dining room.
After breakfast everyone is busy with a chosen chore: milking the cow or
goat or bottle feeding the calves or baby goats, feeding the chickens, rabbits or kittens, cleaning up, recycling, or working in the garden.


The morning meeting bell rings and we gather for a time of silence, a
thoughtful story and some singing. Together we plan our morning.
One group is going to
dip candles. Another
will play ultimate
frisbee. Since it is
warm and the river
is inviting, some choose
to play in the rapids on
inner tubes.
The fresh mountain
air and the
vigorous activity
have stimulated
appetites and all are
eager for the hearty
dinner at noon. We
share with others what
we have done during the morning,
and sing together as we finish our
meal. Then we go to our tents for a rest hour, when some may
sleep while others read quietly.


This afternoon we divide into activity groups.
In the Craft House the activity today is clay.
Another time we will make friendship
bracelets or candle lanterns.
One group is rehearsing for
"skit night." Each group does
a new play every week, and
each camper has a part.
Sometimes we act out
stories we know and
sometimes we act out
imaginary things or things
that have happened in
camp. Costumes may give
us ideas for skits.
Everyone is glad to hear the snack bell, which rings now before the second
activity. (Everyone has two activities in an afternoon.) We gather for a break
on the lawn and today it's watermelon!
Then one group goes out looking for crayfish and tadpoles, and on the way
home finds a spotted salamander to put with the snake and turtles in the Nature


The group in the Wood Shop is busy, each one on a self-chosen project. Toy
boats of different sizes and shapes, a bird feeder, a yo-yo, and a cage for a
pet cricket are all in progress. It's fun to learn to use a hammer and saw.
After activities we all go for a swim. Separate groups are located according
to ability at varying depths along the river. The hour at the river gives us
plenty of time for swimming, playing in the water on inner tubes or building
castles in the sand along the shore.
There are some chores to do before supper. The eggs have to be gathered in
the chicken house, and the table set for supper. If there's time we might have a
game of Prisoner's Base, Blob Tag or Opsi Ball and some will prefer to have free
time until supper.
After supper and evening chores we go down to the campfire ring in
"Fairyland" for a story. In the friendship circle around the fire we pause for a
moment to feel the beauty of the spot and to hear the wood thrushes in the
rhododendron thicket nearby. And then it is time to head up the hill to the
tents, where lanterns are lit. The day has been a full one, and some even fall
asleep before the counselors begin their goodnight serenade.


No two days are ever quite alike. Every week there are picnics, a campout,
and sometimes a long hike to one of the high peaks of the Black Mountains.
We play with the children and try to be sensitive to their needs and
interests. We find that at this age they are happiest when there is always an
activity to which they can turn. Freedom of choice and a relaxed atmosphere
minimize nervous tension. Interesting activities and warm counselors help
campers cope with occasional feelings of homesickness.
On Sunday we attend the local Friends Meeting and participate in the
children's activities there.
Twice each week we set aside time for letters home, when counselors are
available to help with ideas, or to take
Wholesome meals and lots of outdoor exercise, regular rest and bedtime
tend to keep sickness at a minimum. If a child does become ill he/she stays in a
room in the infirmary with a staff person. Local doctors are consulted when
necessary and the Spruce Pine Hospital is just thirty minutes away. Each camper
brings a health certificate filled out by a
doctor or nurse practitioner.
Children are carefully supervised at all times. They are housed in tents
on wooden platforms. Showers, bathrooms and washing machines are located near
the tent area in each camp.
Meals are prepared and served in the modern kitchen and dining room. Camp
facilities are subject to regulation and annual inspection by the State Board of